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In addition, please review our "Products" link located on our home page. We have some exciting new publications available for you as you journey with Jesus! 


In closing, DID YOU KNOW...many will depart this life to a Christless eternity before you finish reading this article?

  • 55.3 million people die each year.

  • 151,600 people die each day.

  • 6,316 people die each hour.

  • 105 people die each minute.

Ultimately, the death rate is 1:1.

Have You made a decision to invite Jesus Christ in YOUR heart and life to forgive YOU of sin? Have YOU repented of YOUR sin and decided to follow Jesus? If YOU have, YOU have made a difference in these statistics and YOU can make a difference in someone's eternity by sowing seeds of the Gospel, Praying, then watching God bring about a Harvest! By the Grace of Jesus Christ, I am thankful this world is NOT our final home.


May God Bless you,

Rev. Jerry Liversage

Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon

Sustained by Feeding

As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. (John 6:57)

We live by virtue of our union with the Son of God. As God-man Mediator, the Lord Jesus lives by the self-existent Father who has sent Him, and in the same manner we live by the Savior who has quickened us. He who is the source of our life is also the sustenance of it. Living is sustained by feeding. We must support the spiritual life by spiritual food, and that spiritual food is the Lord Jesus. Not His life, or death, or offices, or work, or word alone, but Himself, as including all these. On Jesus Himself we feed.

This is set forth to us in the Lord's Supper, but it is actually enjoyed by us when we meditate upon our Lord, believe in Him with appropriating faith, take Him into ourselves by love, and assimilate Him by the power of the inner life. We know what it is to feed on Jesus, but we cannot speak it or write it. Our wisest course is to practice it and to do so more and more. We are entreated to eat abundantly, and it will be to our infinite profit to do so when Jesus is our meat and our drink.

Lord, I thank Thee that this, which is a necessity of my new life, is also its greatest delight. So, I do at this hour feed on Thee.

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